About Us
The Sunshine Welfare Action Mission (SWAMI Home) was established in 1986 by a group of volunteers inspired by their spiritual guru, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, to serve the elderly and needy community in Singapore. Over the past 30 years, this non-profit organization has provided nursing care and shelter for the aged sick and physically challenged who come from lower socio-economic backgrounds in our society. Today, the SWAMI Home delivers services to about 1,000 elderly in the northern region of Singapore every month.
The SWAMI Home is equipped with 250-bed residential geriatric and dementia care services, and provides centre-based services including Dementia Day Care, Day Rehabilitation and Weekend Respite Day Care. It also provides community-based services such as Home Help, Home Medical and Home Nursing. The wide range of integrated services provided by SWAMI Home enables the elderly to age gracefully within the community and their homes.
I would like to commend the directors, staff and supporters for the meaningful work that you have done over the years, and encourage all of you to continue your steadfast service to enhance the welfare of the elderly and needy in our community.

Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam